Workflow Dispatch List#
A filterable, sortable list of all dispatches in the Covalent server database. A typical dispatch list is shown below.
Each line represents one dispatch, and contains the following information:
- Dispatch ID
The unique dispatch ID for the workflow invocation. This ID is used to identify the dispatch in the SDK.
- Lattice
The name of the dispatched lattice function.
- Runtime
The approximate run time of the dispatch.
- Started
The local time when a dispatch started.
- Ended
The local time when a dispatch ended (completed or failed). A dash is displayed while the dispatch is Running.
- Status
The status of a dispatch. The possible statuses are: Pending
Not yet running due to scheduling or resource availability.
- Running
Started, with one or more tasks handed off to executors.
- Failed
Finished with one or more tasks throwing an error.
- Cancelled
The dispatch was shut down before completion.
- Completed
Finished with all tasks successful, and postprocessing is complete.
- Pending Postprocessing
The dispatch has finished running, but postprocessing tasks defined for the dispatch have not started yet.
- Postprocessing
The postprocessing tasks defined for the dispatch are running.