AWS Lambda Executor#


With this executor, users can execute tasks (electrons) or entire lattices using the AWS Lambda serverless compute service. It is appropriate to use this plugin for electrons that are expected to be short lived, low in compute intensity. This plugin can also be used for workflows with a high number of electrons that are embarassingly parallel (fully independent of each other).

The following AWS resources are required by this executor

  • Container based AWS Lambda function

  • AWS S3 bucket for caching objects

  • IAM role for Lambda

  • ECR container registry for storing docker images

1. Installation#

To use this plugin with Covalent, simply install it using pip:

pip install covalent-awslambda-plugin


Due to the isolated nature of AWS Lambda, the packages available on that environment are limited. This means that only the modules that come with python out-of-the-box are accessible to your function. Deps are also limited in a similar fashion. However, AWS does provide a workaround for pip package installations:

2. Usage Example#

This is an example of how a workflow can be constructed to use the AWS Lambda executor. In the example, we join two words to form a phrase and return an excited phrase.

import covalent as ct
from covalent.executor import AWSLambdaExecutor

executor = AWSLambdaExecutor(
    function_name = "my-lambda-function"

def join_words(a, b):
    return ",".join([a, b])

def excitement(a):
    return f"{a}!"

def simple_workflow(a, b):
    phrase = join_words(a, b)
    return excitement(phrase)

dispatch_id = ct.dispatch(simple_workflow)("Hello", "World")
result = ct.get_result(dispatch_id, wait=True)


During the execution of the workflow, one can navigate to the UI to see the status of the workflow. Once completed, the above script should also output the result:

Hello, World!

In order for the above workflow to run successfully, one has to provision the required AWS resources as mentioned in 4. Required AWS Resources.


Users may encounter failures with dispatching workflows on MacOS due to errors with importing the psutil module. This is a known issue and will be addressed in a future sprint.

3. Overview of configuration#

The following table shows a list of all input arguments including the required arguments to be supplied when instantiating the executor:


Config Value

Is Required






Name of the AWS lambda function to be used at runtime




Name of an AWS S3 bucket that the executor must use to cache object files




The path to your AWS credentials file




AWS profile used for authentication




Time interval between successive polls to the lambda function




Path on the local file system to a cache




Duration in seconds to keep polling the task for results/exceptions raised

The following snippet shows how users may modify their Covalent configuration to provide the necessary input arguments to the executor:

function_name = "my-lambda-function"
s3_bucket_name = "covalent-lambda-job-resources"
credentials_file = "/home/<user>/.aws/credentials"
profile = "default"
region = "us-east-1"
cache_dir = "/home/<user>/.cache/covalent"
poll_freq = 5
timeout = 60

Within a workflow, users can use this executor with the default values configured in the configuration file as follows:

import covalent as ct

def task(x, y):
    return x + y

Alternatively, users can customize this executor entirely by providing their own values to its constructor as follows:

import covalent as ct
from covalent.executor import AWSLambdaExecutor

lambda_executor = AWSLambdaExecutor(
    function_name = "my-lambda-function"

def task(x, y):
    return x + y

4. Required AWS Resources#

In order for the executor to work end-to-end, the following resources need to be provisioned apriori.



Config Name


IAM Role


The IAM role this lambda will assume during execution of your tasks

S3 Bucket


Name of an AWS S3 bucket that the executor can use to store temporary files

AWS Lambda function


Name of the AWS lambda function created in AWS

AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR)


The container registry that contains the docker images used by the lambda function to execute tasks

The following JSON policy document shows the necessary IAM permissions required for the executor to properly run tasks using the AWS Lambda compute service:

IAM Policy
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": [
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": "*"
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": "iam:PassRole",
        "Resource": "*",
        "Condition": {
            "StringEquals": {
                "iam:PassedToService": ""
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": "arn:aws:logs:*:*:log-group:/aws/lambda/*"

where <bucket-name> is the name of an S3 bucket to be used by the executor to store temporary files generated during task execution. The lambda function interacts with the S3 bucket as well as with the AWS Cloudwatch service to route any log messages. Due to this, the lambda function must have the necessary IAM permissions in order to do so. Users must provision an IAM role that has the AWSLambdaExecute policy attached to it. The policy document is summarized here for convenience:

Covalent Lambda Execution Role Policy
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:logs:*:*:*"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::*"

Users can use the following Terraform snippet as a starting point to spin up the required resources

provider aws {}

resource aws_s3_bucket bucket {
    bucket = "my-s3-bucket"

resource aws_iam_role lambda_iam {
    name = var.aws_lambda_iam_role_name
    assume_role_policy = jsonencode({
        Version = "2012-10-17"
        Statement = [
                Action = "sts:AssumeRole"
                Effect = "Allow"
                Sid    = ""
                Principal = {
                    Service = ""
    managed_policy_arns = [ "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaExecute" ]

resource aws_ecr_repository lambda_ecr {
    name = "lambda_container_registry"

resource aws_lambda_function lambda {
    function_name = "my-lambda-function"
    role = aws_iam_role.lambda_iam.arn
    packge_type = "Image"
    timeout = <timeout value in seconds, max 900 (15 minutes), defaults to 3>
    memory_size = <Max memory in MB that the Lambda is expected to use, defaults to 128>
    image_uri = aws_ecr_repository.lambda_ecr.repository_url

For more information on how to create IAM roles and attach policies in AWS, refer to IAM roles. For more information on AWS S3, refer to AWS S3.


The lambda function created requires a docker image to execute the any tasks required by it. We distribute ready to use AWS Lambda executor docker images that user’s can pull and push to their private ECR registries before dispatching workflows.

The base docker image can be obtained as follows

docker pull

Once the image has been obtained, user’s can tag it with their registry information and upload to ECR as follows

aws ecr get-login-password --region <region> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region>
docker tag <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region><my-repository>:tag
docker push <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region><my-repository>:tag

5. Custom Docker images#

As mentioned earlier, the AWS Lambda executor uses a docker image to execute an electron from a workflow. We distribute AWS Lambda executor base docker images that contain just the essential dependencies such as covalent and covalent-aws-plugins. However if the electron to be executed using the Lambda executor depends on Python packages that are not present in the base image by default, users will have to a build custom images prior to running their Covalent workflows using the AWS Lambda executor. In this section we cover the necessary steps required to extend the base executor image by installing additional Python packages and pushing the derived image to a private elastic container registry (ECR)


Using PipDeps as described in the ../deps section with the AWS Lambda executor is currently not supported as it modifies the execution environment of the lambda function at runtime. As per AWS best practices for Lambda it is recommended to ship the lambda function as a self-contained object that has all of its dependencies in a deployment package/container image as described in detail here

All of our base AWS executor images are available in the AWS public registries and can be downloaded locally for consumption as described here here. For instance the stable AWS Lambda executor image can be downloaded from public ECR as follows

aws ecr-public get-login-password --region <aws-region> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
docker pull


Executor images with the latest tag are also routinely pushed to the same registry. However, we strongly recommended using the stable tag when running executing workflows usin the AWS Lambda executor. The <aws-region> is a placeholder for the actual AWS region to be used by the user

Once the lambda base executor image has been downloaded, users can build upon that image by installing all the Python packages required by their tasks. The base executor uses a build time argument named LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT to set the install path of all python packages to /var/task inside the image. When extending the base image by installing additional python packages, it is recommended to install them to the same location so that they get resolved properly during runtime. Following is a simple example of how users can extend the AWS lambda base image by creating their own Dockerfile and installting additional packages such as numpy, pandas and scipy.

# Dockerfile

FROM as base

RUN pip install --target ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT} numpy pandas scipy


Do not override the entrypoint of the base image in the derived image when installing new packages. The docker ENTRYPOINT of the base image is what that gets trigged when AWS invokes your lambda function to execute the workflow electron

Once the Dockerfile has been created the derived image can be built as follows

docker build -f Dockerfile -t my-custom-lambda-executor:latest

Pushing to ECR#

After a successful build of the derived image, it needs to be uploaded to ECR so that it can be consumed by a lambda function when triggered by Covalent. As as first step, it is required to create an elastic container registry to hold the dervied executor images. This can be easily done by using the AWS CLI tool as follows

aws ecr create-repository --region <aws-region> --repository-name covalent/my-custom-lambda-executor

To upload the derived image to this registry, we would need to tag our local image as per the AWS guide and push the image to the registry as described here. To push an image, first one needs to authenticate with AWS and login their docker client

aws ecr get-login-password --region <aws-region> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <aws-account-id>

Once the login is successful, the local image needs to be re-tagged with the ECR repository information. If the image tag is omitted, latest is applied by default. In the following code block we show how to tag the derived image my-custom-lambda-executor:latest with the ECR information so that it can be uploaded successfully

docker tag my-custom-lambda-executor:latest <aws-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<aws-region>


<aws-account-id> and <aws-region> are placeholders for the actual AWS account ID and region to be used by the users

Deploying AWS Lambda function#

Once the derived image has been built and pushed to ECR, users need to create a Lambda function or update an existing one to use the new derived image instead of the base image executor image at runtime. A new AWS Lambda function can be quite easily created using the AWS Lambda CLI create-function command as follows

aws lambda create-function --function-name "my-covalent-lambda-function" --region <aws-region> \
     --package-type Image \
     --code ImageUri=<aws-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<aws-region> \
     --role <Lambda executor role ARN> \
     --memory-size 512 \
     --timeout 900

The above CLI command will register a new AWS lambda function that will use the user’s custom derived image my-custom-lambda-executor:latest with a memory size of 512 MB and a timeout values of 900 seconds. The role argument is used to specify the ARN of the IAM role the AWS Lambda can assume during execution. The necessary permissions for the IAM role have been provided in Required AWS resources section. More details about creating and updating AWS lambda functions can be found here.

class covalent_awslambda_plugin.AWSLambdaExecutor(function_name=None, s3_bucket_name=None, credentials_file=None, profile=None, region=None, execution_role='', poll_freq=None, timeout=900)[source]#

AWS Lambda executor plugin

  • function_name (Optional[str]) – Name of an existing lambda function to use during execution (default: covalent-awsambda-executor)

  • s3_bucket_name (Optional[str]) – Name of a AWS S3 bucket that the executor can use to store temporary files (default: covalent-lambda-job-resources)

  • execution_role (str) – Name of the IAM role assigned to the AWS Lambda function

  • credentials_file (Optional[str]) – Path to AWS credentials file (default: ~/.aws/credentials)

  • profile (Optional[str]) – AWS profile (default: default)

  • region (Optional[str]) – AWS region (default: us-east-1)

  • poll_freq (Optional[int]) – Time interval between successive polls to the lambda function (default: 5)

  • timeout (int) – Duration in seconds to poll Lambda function for results (default: 900)



Returns a dictionary of kwargs to populate a new boto3.Session() instance with proper auth, region, and profile options.


Cancel execution


Rehydrate a dictionary representation


Get if the task was requested to be canceled


Start a context manager that will be used to access the dispatch info for the executor.


Yield a boto3 session to be used for instantiating AWS service clients/resources


Return status of availability of result object on remote machine


Query the database for dispatch version metadata.

poll(task_group_metadata, data)

Block until the job has reached a terminal state.

query_result(workdir, result_filename)

Abstract method that retrieves the pickled result from the remote cache.

query_result_sync(workdir, result_filename)

Fetch the result object from the S3 bucket

query_task_exception_sync(workdir, …)

Fetch the exception raised from the S3 bucket

receive(task_group_metadata, data)

Return a list of task updates.

run(function, args, kwargs, task_metadata)

Run the executor


Invokes an async subprocess to run a command.

send(task_specs, resources, task_group_metadata)

Submit a list of task references to the compute backend.


Save the job handle to database


Validates and sets the job state


Executor specific setup method

submit_task(function_name, func_filename, …)

Submit the task by invoking the AWS Lambda function

submit_task_sync(function_name, …)

The actual (blocking) submit_task function


Executor specific teardown method


Return a JSON-serializable dictionary representation of self


Overridable filter

write_streams_to_file(stream_strings, …)

Write the contents of stdout and stderr to respective files.


Returns a dictionary of kwargs to populate a new boto3.Session() instance with proper auth, region, and profile options.

Return type

Dict[str, str]


Cancel execution

Return type



Rehydrate a dictionary representation


object_dict (dict) – a dictionary representation returned by to_dict

Return type




Instance attributes will be overwritten.

async get_cancel_requested()#

Get if the task was requested to be canceled




Whether the task has been requested to be cancelled

Return type



Start a context manager that will be used to access the dispatch info for the executor.


dispatch_info (DispatchInfo) – The dispatch info to be used inside current context.

Return type



A context manager object that handles the dispatch info.


Yield a boto3 session to be used for instantiating AWS service clients/resources




AWS boto3.Session object

Return type


async get_status(object_key)[source]#

Return status of availability of result object on remote machine


object_key (str) – Name of the S3 object


bool indicating whether the object exists or not on S3 bucket

async get_version_info()#

Query the database for dispatch version metadata.


dispatch_id: Dispatch ID of the lattice


python_version, “covalent”: covalent_version}

Return type


async poll(task_group_metadata, data)#

Block until the job has reached a terminal state.

  • task_group_metadata (Dict) – A dictionary of metadata for the task group. Current keys are dispatch_id, node_ids, and task_group_id.

  • data (Any) – The return value of send().

The return value of poll() will be passed directly into receive().

Raise NotImplementedError to indicate that the compute backend will notify the Covalent server asynchronously of job completion.

Return type


async query_result(workdir, result_filename)[source]#

Abstract method that retrieves the pickled result from the remote cache.

query_result_sync(workdir, result_filename)[source]#

Fetch the result object from the S3 bucket


workdir (str) – Path on the local file system where the pickled object is downloaded



query_task_exception_sync(workdir, exception_filename)[source]#

Fetch the exception raised from the S3 bucket


workdir (str) – Path on the local file system where the exception json dump is downloaded



async receive(task_group_metadata, data)#

Return a list of task updates.

Each task must have reached a terminal state by the time this is invoked.

  • task_group_metadata (Dict) – A dictionary of metadata for the task group. Current keys are dispatch_id, node_ids, and task_group_id.

  • data (Any) – The return value of poll() or the request body of /jobs/update.

Return type



Returns a list of task results, each a TaskUpdate dataclass of the form


“dispatch_id”: dispatch_id, “node_id”: node_id, “status”: status, “assets”: {

”output”: {

“remote_uri”: output_uri,

}, “stdout”: {

”remote_uri”: stdout_uri,

}, “stderr”: {

”remote_uri”: stderr_uri,




corresponding to the node ids (task_ids) specified in the task_group_metadata. This might be a subset of the node ids in the originally submitted task group as jobs may notify Covalent asynchronously of completed tasks before the entire task group finishes running.

async run(function, args, kwargs, task_metadata)[source]#

Run the executor

  • function (Callable) – Python callable to be executed on the remote executor

  • args (List) – List of positional arguments to be passed to the function

  • kwargs (Dict) – Keyword arguments to be passed into the function

  • task_metadata (Dict) – Dictionary containing the task dispatch_id and node_id



async static run_async_subprocess(cmd)[source]#

Invokes an async subprocess to run a command.

Return type


async send(task_specs, resources, task_group_metadata)#

Submit a list of task references to the compute backend.

  • task_specs (List[TaskSpec]) – a list of TaskSpecs

  • resources (ResourceMap) – a ResourceMap mapping task assets to URIs

  • task_group_metadata (Dict) – A dictionary of metadata for the task group. Current keys are dispatch_id, node_ids, and task_group_id.

The return value of send() will be passed directly into poll().

Return type


async set_job_handle(handle)#

Save the job handle to database


handle: JSONable type identifying the job being executed by the backend


Response from the listener that handles inserting the job handle to database

Return type


async set_job_status(status)#

Validates and sets the job state

For use with send/receive API


Whether the action succeeded

Return type


async setup(task_metadata)#

Executor specific setup method

async submit_task(function_name, func_filename, result_filename, exception_filename)[source]#

Submit the task by invoking the AWS Lambda function


function_name (str) – AWS Lambda function name


AWS boto3 client invoke lambda response

Return type


submit_task_sync(function_name, func_filename, result_filename, exception_filename)[source]#

The actual (blocking) submit_task function

Return type


async teardown(task_metadata)#

Executor specific teardown method


Return a JSON-serializable dictionary representation of self

Return type



Overridable filter

Return type


async write_streams_to_file(stream_strings, filepaths, dispatch_id, results_dir)#

Write the contents of stdout and stderr to respective files.

  • stream_strings (Iterable[str]) – The stream_strings to be written to files.

  • filepaths (Iterable[str]) – The filepaths to be used for writing the streams.

  • dispatch_id (str) – The ID of the dispatch which initiated the request.

  • results_dir (str) – The location of the results directory.

This uses aiofiles to avoid blocking the event loop.

Return type
