Source code for covalent.triggers.sqlite_trigger

# Copyright 2023 Agnostiq Inc.
# This file is part of Covalent.
# Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). A copy of the
# License may be obtained with this software package or at
# Use of this file is prohibited except in compliance with the License.
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import sqlite3
import time
from functools import partial
from threading import Event
from typing import List

from covalent._shared_files import logger

from .base import BaseTrigger

app_log = logger.app_log
log_stack_info = logger.log_stack_info

[docs]class SQLiteTrigger(BaseTrigger): """ SQLite based Trigger which can read for changes in a SQLite database and trigger workflows based on that. Args: db_path: Absolute path to the database file table_name: Name of the table to observe poll_interval: Time in seconds to wait for before reading the database again where_clauses: List of "WHERE" conditions, e.g. ["id > 2", "status = pending"], to check when polling the database trigger_after_n: Number of times the event must happen after which the workflow will be triggered. e.g value of 2 means workflow will be triggered once the event has occurred twice. lattice_dispatch_id: Lattice dispatch id of the workflow to be triggered dispatcher_addr: Address of the dispatcher server triggers_server_addr: Address of the triggers server Attributes: self.db_path: Absolute path to the database file self.table_name: Name of the table to observe self.poll_interval: Time in seconds to wait for before reading the database again self.where_clauses: List of "WHERE" conditions, e.g. ["id > 2", "status = pending"], to check when polling the database self.trigger_after_n: Number of times the event must happen after which the workflow will be triggered. e.g value of 2 means workflow will be triggered once the event has occurred twice. self.stop_flag: Thread safe flag used to check whether the stop condition has been met """ def __init__( self, db_path: str, table_name: str, poll_interval: int = 1, where_clauses: List[str] = None, trigger_after_n: int = 1, lattice_dispatch_id: str = None, dispatcher_addr: str = None, triggers_server_addr: str = None, ): super().__init__(lattice_dispatch_id, dispatcher_addr, triggers_server_addr) self.db_path = db_path self.table_name = table_name self.poll_interval = poll_interval self.where_clauses = where_clauses self.trigger_after_n = trigger_after_n self.stop_flag = None
[docs] def observe(self) -> None: """ Keep performing the trigger action as long as where conditions are met or until stop has being called """ app_log.debug("Inside SQLiteTrigger's observe") event_count = 0 connection = sqlite3.connect(self.db_path) connection.row_factory = sqlite3.Row cursor = connection.cursor() sql_poll_cmd = f"SELECT * FROM {self.table_name}" if self.where_clauses: sql_poll_cmd += " WHERE " sql_poll_cmd += " AND ".join(list(self.where_clauses)) execute_cmd = partial(cursor.execute, sql_poll_cmd) self.stop_flag = Event() while not self.stop_flag.is_set(): # Read the DB with specified command try: execute_cmd() except sqlite3.OperationalError: time.sleep(self.poll_interval) continue # If command ran successfuly, trigger the workflow if selected_rows := cursor.fetchall(): event_count += 1 if event_count == self.trigger_after_n: self.trigger() event_count = 0 time.sleep(self.poll_interval) cursor.close() connection.close()
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """ Stop the running `self.observe()` method by setting the `self.stop_flag` flag. """ self.stop_flag.set()