Source code for covalent._results_manager.results_manager

# Copyright 2021 Agnostiq Inc.
# This file is part of Covalent.
# Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). A copy of the
# License may be obtained with this software package or at
# Use of this file is prohibited except in compliance with the License.
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Optional

from furl import furl
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from urllib3.util import Retry

from .._api.apiclient import CovalentAPIClient
from .._serialize.common import load_asset
from .._serialize.electron import ASSET_FILENAME_MAP as ELECTRON_ASSET_FILENAMES
from .._serialize.electron import ASSET_TYPES as ELECTRON_ASSET_TYPES
from .._serialize.lattice import ASSET_FILENAME_MAP as LATTICE_ASSET_FILENAMES
from .._serialize.lattice import ASSET_TYPES as LATTICE_ASSET_TYPES
from .._serialize.result import ASSET_FILENAME_MAP as RESULT_ASSET_FILENAMES
from .._serialize.result import ASSET_TYPES as RESULT_ASSET_TYPES
from .._serialize.result import deserialize_result
from .._shared_files import logger
from .._shared_files.config import get_config
from .._shared_files.exceptions import MissingLatticeRecordError
from .._shared_files.schemas.asset import AssetSchema
from .._shared_files.schemas.result import ResultSchema
from .._shared_files.utils import copy_file_locally, format_server_url
from .result import Result
from .wait import EXTREME

app_log = logger.app_log
log_stack_info = logger.log_stack_info




def _delete_result(
    dispatch_id: str,
    results_dir: str = None,
    remove_parent_directory: bool = False,
) -> None:
    Internal function to delete the result.

        dispatch_id: The dispatch id of the result.
        results_dir: The directory where the results are stored in dispatch id named folders.
        remove_parent_directory: Status of whether to delete the parent directory when removing the result.


        FileNotFoundError: If the result file is not found.

    if results_dir is None:
        results_dir = os.environ.get("COVALENT_DATA_DIR") or get_config("dispatcher.results_dir")

    import shutil

    result_folder_path = os.path.join(results_dir, f"{dispatch_id}")

    if os.path.exists(result_folder_path):
        shutil.rmtree(result_folder_path, ignore_errors=True)

    with contextlib.suppress(OSError):

    if remove_parent_directory:
        shutil.rmtree(results_dir, ignore_errors=True)

[docs]def cancel(dispatch_id: str, task_ids: List[int] = None, dispatcher_addr: str = None) -> str: """ Cancel a running dispatch. Args: dispatch_id: The dispatch id of the dispatch to be cancelled. task_ids: Optional, list of task ids to cancel within the workflow dispatcher_addr: Dispatcher server address, if None then defaults to the address set in Covalent's config. Returns: Cancellation response """ if dispatcher_addr is None: dispatcher_addr = format_server_url() if task_ids is None: task_ids = [] api_client = CovalentAPIClient(dispatcher_addr) endpoint = f"/api/v2/dispatches/{dispatch_id}/status" if isinstance(task_ids, int): task_ids = [task_ids] body = {"status": "CANCELLED", "task_ids": task_ids} r = api_client.put(endpoint, json=body) return r.content.decode("utf-8").strip().replace('"', "")
# Multi-part def _get_result_export_from_dispatcher( dispatch_id: str, wait: bool = False, status_only: bool = False, dispatcher_addr: str = None, ) -> Dict: """ Internal function to get the results of a dispatch from the server without checking if it is ready to read. Args: dispatch_id: The dispatch id of the result. wait: Controls how long the method waits for the server to return a result. If False, the method will not wait and will return the current status of the workflow. If True, the method will wait for the result to finish and keep retrying for sys.maxsize. status_only: If true, only returns result status, not the full result object, default is False. dispatcher_addr: Dispatcher server address, defaults to the address set in covalent.config. Returns: The result object from the server. Raises: MissingLatticeRecordError: If the result is not found. """ if dispatcher_addr is None: dispatcher_addr = format_server_url() retries = int(EXTREME) if wait else 5 adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=Retry(total=retries, backoff_factor=1)) api_client = CovalentAPIClient(dispatcher_addr, adapter=adapter, auto_raise=False) endpoint = f"/api/v2/dispatches/{dispatch_id}" response = api_client.get( endpoint, params={"wait": wait, "status_only": status_only}, ) if response.status_code == 404: raise MissingLatticeRecordError response.raise_for_status() export = response.json() return export # Function to download default assets def _get_default_assets(rm: ResultManager): for key in RESULT_ASSET_TYPES.keys(): if key not in DEFERRED_KEYS: rm.download_result_asset(key) rm.load_result_asset(key) for key in LATTICE_ASSET_TYPES.keys(): if key not in DEFERRED_KEYS: rm.download_lattice_asset(key) rm.load_lattice_asset(key) tg = rm.result_object.lattice.transport_graph tg.lattice_metadata = rm.result_object.lattice.metadata rm.result_object.lattice.__doc__ = rm.result_object.lattice.__dict__.pop("doc") for key in ELECTRON_ASSET_TYPES.keys(): if key not in DEFERRED_KEYS: for node_id in tg._graph.nodes: rm.download_node_asset(node_id, key) rm.load_node_asset(node_id, key) # Functions for computing local URIs def get_node_asset_path(results_dir: str, node_id: int, key: str): filename = ELECTRON_ASSET_FILENAMES[key] return f"{results_dir}/node_{node_id}/{filename}" def get_lattice_asset_path(results_dir: str, key: str): filename = LATTICE_ASSET_FILENAMES[key] return f"{results_dir}/{filename}" def get_result_asset_path(results_dir: str, key: str): filename = RESULT_ASSET_FILENAMES[key] return f"{results_dir}/{filename}" # Asset transfers def download_asset(remote_uri: str, local_path: str, chunk_size: int = 1024 * 1024): local_scheme = "file" if remote_uri.startswith(local_scheme): copy_file_locally(remote_uri, f"file://{local_path}") else: f = furl(remote_uri) scheme = f.scheme host = port = f.port dispatcher_addr = f"{scheme}://{host}:{port}" endpoint = str(f.path) api_client = CovalentAPIClient(dispatcher_addr) r = api_client.get(endpoint, stream=True) with open(local_path, "wb") as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size): f.write(chunk) def _download_result_asset(manifest: dict, results_dir: str, key: str): remote_uri = manifest["assets"][key]["remote_uri"] size = manifest["assets"][key]["size"] if size > 0: local_path = get_result_asset_path(results_dir, key) download_asset(remote_uri, local_path) manifest["assets"][key]["uri"] = f"file://{local_path}" def _download_lattice_asset(manifest: dict, results_dir: str, key: str): lattice_assets = manifest["lattice"]["assets"] remote_uri = lattice_assets[key]["remote_uri"] size = lattice_assets[key]["size"] if size > 0: local_path = get_lattice_asset_path(results_dir, key) download_asset(remote_uri, local_path) lattice_assets[key]["uri"] = f"file://{local_path}" def _download_node_asset(manifest: dict, results_dir: str, node_id: int, key: str): node = manifest["lattice"]["transport_graph"]["nodes"][node_id] node_assets = node["assets"] remote_uri = node_assets[key]["remote_uri"] size = node_assets[key]["size"] if size > 0: local_path = get_node_asset_path(results_dir, node_id, key) download_asset(remote_uri, local_path) node_assets[key]["uri"] = f"file://{local_path}" def _load_result_asset(manifest: dict, key: str): asset_meta = AssetSchema(**manifest["assets"][key]) return load_asset(asset_meta, RESULT_ASSET_TYPES[key]) def _load_lattice_asset(manifest: dict, key: str): asset_meta = AssetSchema(**manifest["lattice"]["assets"][key]) return load_asset(asset_meta, LATTICE_ASSET_TYPES[key]) def _load_node_asset(manifest: dict, node_id: int, key: str): node = manifest["lattice"]["transport_graph"]["nodes"][node_id] asset_meta = AssetSchema(**node["assets"][key]) return load_asset(asset_meta, ELECTRON_ASSET_TYPES[key]) class ResultManager: def __init__(self, manifest: ResultSchema, results_dir: str): self.result_object = deserialize_result(manifest) self._manifest = manifest.model_dump() self._results_dir = results_dir def save(self, path: Optional[str] = None): if not path: path = os.path.join(self._results_dir, "manifest.json") with open(path, "w") as f: f.write(ResultSchema.model_validate(self._manifest).model_dump_json()) @staticmethod def load(path: str, results_dir: str) -> "ResultManager": with open(path, "r") as f: manifest_json = return ResultManager(ResultSchema.parse_raw(manifest_json), results_dir) def download_result_asset(self, key: str): _download_result_asset(self._manifest, self._results_dir, key) def download_lattice_asset(self, key: str): _download_lattice_asset(self._manifest, self._results_dir, key) def download_node_asset(self, node_id: int, key: str): _download_node_asset(self._manifest, self._results_dir, node_id, key) def load_result_asset(self, key: str): data = _load_result_asset(self._manifest, key) self.result_object.__dict__[f"_{key}"] = data def load_lattice_asset(self, key: str): data = _load_lattice_asset(self._manifest, key) if key in SDK_LAT_META_KEYS: self.result_object.lattice.metadata[key] = data else: self.result_object.lattice.__dict__[key] = data def load_node_asset(self, node_id: int, key: str): data = _load_node_asset(self._manifest, node_id, key) tg = self.result_object.lattice.transport_graph if key in SDK_NODE_META_KEYS: node_meta = tg.get_node_value(node_id, "metadata") node_meta[key] = data else: tg.set_node_value(node_id, key, data) @staticmethod def from_dispatch_id( dispatch_id: str, results_dir: str, wait: bool = False, dispatcher_addr: str = None, ) -> "ResultManager": export = _get_result_export_from_dispatcher( dispatch_id, wait, status_only=False, dispatcher_addr=dispatcher_addr ) manifest = ResultSchema.model_validate(export["result_export"]) # sort the nodes manifest.lattice.transport_graph.nodes.sort(key=lambda x: rm = ResultManager(manifest, results_dir) result_object = rm.result_object result_object._results_dir = results_dir Path(results_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Create node subdirectories for node_id in result_object.lattice.transport_graph._graph.nodes: node_dir = f"{results_dir}/node_{node_id}" Path(node_dir).mkdir(exist_ok=True) return rm def get_result_manager(dispatch_id, results_dir=None, wait=False, dispatcher_addr=None): if not results_dir: results_dir = get_config("sdk.results_dir") + f"/{dispatch_id}" return ResultManager.from_dispatch_id(dispatch_id, results_dir, wait, dispatcher_addr) def _get_result_multistage( dispatch_id: str, wait: bool = False, dispatcher_addr: str = None, status_only: bool = False, results_dir: Optional[str] = None, *, workflow_output: bool = True, intermediate_outputs: bool = True, sublattice_results: bool = True, qelectron_db: bool = False, ) -> Result: """ Get the results of a dispatch from a file. Args: dispatch_id: The dispatch id of the result. wait: Controls how long the method waits for the server to return a result. If False, the method will not wait and will return the current status of the workflow. If True, the method will wait for the result to finish and keep retrying for sys.maxsize. status_only: If true, only returns result status, not the full result object. Default is False. dispatcher_addr: Dispatcher server address, defaults to the address set in Covalent's config. results_dir: The directory where the results are stored in dispatch id named folders. Kwargs: workflow_output: Whether to return the workflow output. Defaults to True. intermediate_outputs: Whether to return all intermediate outputs in the compute graph. Defaults to True. sublattice_results: Whether to recursively retrieve sublattice results. Default is True. qelectron_db: Whether to load the bytes data of qelectron_db. Default is False. Returns: The Result object from the Covalent server """ try: if status_only: return _get_result_export_from_dispatcher( dispatch_id=dispatch_id, wait=wait, status_only=status_only, dispatcher_addr=dispatcher_addr, ) rm = get_result_manager(dispatch_id, results_dir, wait, dispatcher_addr) _get_default_assets(rm) if workflow_output: rm.download_result_asset("result") rm.load_result_asset("result") if intermediate_outputs: tg = rm.result_object.lattice.transport_graph for node_id in tg._graph.nodes: rm.download_node_asset(node_id, "output") rm.load_node_asset(node_id, "output") if qelectron_db: for node_id in tg._graph.nodes: rm.download_node_asset(node_id, "qelectron_db") rm.load_node_asset(node_id, "qelectron_db") # Fetch sublattice result objects recursively tg = rm.result_object.lattice.transport_graph for node_id in tg._graph.nodes: sub_dispatch_id = tg.get_node_value(node_id, "sub_dispatch_id") if sublattice_results and sub_dispatch_id: sub_result = _get_result_multistage( sub_dispatch_id, wait, dispatcher_addr, status_only, results_dir=results_dir, workflow_output=workflow_output, intermediate_outputs=intermediate_outputs, sublattice_results=sublattice_results, qelectron_db=qelectron_db, ) tg.set_node_value(node_id, "sublattice_result", sub_result) else: tg.set_node_value(node_id, "sublattice_result", None) except MissingLatticeRecordError as ex: app_log.warning( f"Dispatch ID {dispatch_id} was not found in the database. Incorrect dispatch id." ) raise ex return rm.result_object def get_result( dispatch_id: str, wait: bool = False, dispatcher_addr: str = None, status_only: bool = False, *, results_dir: Optional[str] = None, workflow_output: bool = True, intermediate_outputs: bool = True, sublattice_results: bool = True, qelectron_db: bool = False, ) -> Result: """ Get the results of a dispatch. Args: dispatch_id: The dispatch id of the result. wait: Controls how long the method waits for the server to return a result. If False, the method will not wait and will return the current status of the workflow. If True, the method will wait for the result to finish and keep retrying for sys.maxsize. dispatcher_addr: Dispatcher server address. Defaults to the address set in Covalent's config. status_only: If true, only returns result status, not the full result object. Default is False. Kwargs: results_dir: The directory where the results are stored in dispatch id named folders. workflow_output: Whether to return the workflow output. Defaults to True. intermediate_outputs: Whether to return all intermediate outputs in the compute graph. Defaults to True. sublattice_results: Whether to recursively retrieve sublattice results. Default is True. qelectron_db: Whether to load the bytes data of qelectron_db. Default is False. Returns: The Result object from the Covalent server """ max_attempts = int(os.getenv("COVALENT_GET_RESULT_RETRIES", 10)) num_attempts = 0 while num_attempts < max_attempts: try: return _get_result_multistage( dispatch_id=dispatch_id, wait=wait, dispatcher_addr=dispatcher_addr, status_only=status_only, results_dir=results_dir, workflow_output=workflow_output, intermediate_outputs=intermediate_outputs, sublattice_results=sublattice_results, qelectron_db=qelectron_db, ) except RecursionError as re: app_log.error(re) num_attempts += 1 raise RuntimeError("Timed out waiting for result. Please retry or check dispatch.")