Source code for covalent._file_transfer.file_transfer

# Copyright 2021 Agnostiq Inc.
# This file is part of Covalent.
# Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). A copy of the
# License may be obtained with this software package or at
# Use of this file is prohibited except in compliance with the License.
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from typing import Optional, Union

from .enums import FileTransferStrategyTypes, FtCallDepReturnValue, Order
from .file import File
from .strategies.http_strategy import HTTP
from .strategies.shutil_strategy import Shutil
from .strategies.transfer_strategy_base import FileTransferStrategy

[docs]class FileTransfer: """ FileTransfer object class that takes two File objects or filepaths (from, to) and a File Transfer Strategy to perform remote or local file transfer operations. Attributes: from_file: Filepath or File object corresponding to the source file. to_file: Filepath or File object corresponding to the destination file. order: Order (enum) to execute the file transfer before (Order.BEFORE) or after (Order.AFTER) electron execution. strategy: Optional File Transfer Strategy to perform file operations - default will be resolved from provided file schemes. """ def __init__( self, from_file: Optional[Union[File, str]] = None, to_file: Optional[Union[File, str]] = None, order: Order = Order.BEFORE, strategy: Optional[FileTransferStrategy] = None, ) -> None: if isinstance(from_file, str) or from_file is None: from_file = File(from_file) elif not isinstance(from_file, File): raise AttributeError( "FileTransfer() requires files to be either of type File, string, or None." ) if isinstance(to_file, str) or to_file is None: to_file = File(to_file) elif not isinstance(to_file, File): raise AttributeError( "FileTransfer requires files to be either of type File, string, or None." ) # assign explicit strategy or default to strategy based on from_file & to_file schemes if strategy: self.strategy = strategy elif ( from_file.mapped_strategy_type == FileTransferStrategyTypes.Shutil and to_file.mapped_strategy_type == FileTransferStrategyTypes.Shutil ): self.strategy = Shutil() elif from_file.mapped_strategy_type == FileTransferStrategyTypes.HTTP: self.strategy = HTTP() else: raise AttributeError("FileTransfer requires a file transfer strategy to be specified") self.to_file = to_file self.from_file = from_file self.order = order # this is currently the case but as we further develop file transfer strategies we may support this # for example we may support streaming files between buckets in S3 if self.from_file.is_remote and self.to_file.is_remote: raise ValueError( "FileTransfer currently does not support remote->remote file transfers, please update from_filepath or to_filepath to correspond to a local filepath." ) def cp(self): file_transfer_call_dep = None return_value_type = FtCallDepReturnValue.FROM_TO # local -> local or remote -> remote if (not self.from_file.is_remote and not self.to_file.is_remote) or ( self.from_file.is_remote and self.to_file.is_remote ): file_transfer_call_dep = self.strategy.cp(self.from_file, self.to_file) # local -> remote if not self.from_file.is_remote and self.to_file.is_remote: file_transfer_call_dep = self.strategy.upload(self.from_file, self.to_file) # remote -> local if self.from_file.is_remote and not self.to_file.is_remote: file_transfer_call_dep =, self.to_file) pre_transfer_hook_call_dep = self.strategy.pre_transfer_hook( self.from_file, self.to_file, return_value_type=return_value_type ) return (pre_transfer_hook_call_dep, file_transfer_call_dep)
# Factories
[docs]def TransferFromRemote( from_filepath: str, to_filepath: Union[str, None] = None, strategy: Optional[FileTransferStrategy] = None, order: Order = Order.BEFORE, ) -> FileTransfer: """ Factory for creating a FileTransfer instance where from_filepath is implicitly created as a remote File Object, and the order (Order.BEFORE) is set so that this file transfer will occur prior to electron execution. Args: from_filepath: File path corresponding to remote file (source). to_filepath: File path corresponding to local file (destination) strategy: Optional File Transfer Strategy to perform file operations - default will be resolved from provided file schemes. order: Order (enum) to execute the file transfer before (Order.BEFORE) or after (Order.AFTER) electron execution - default is BEFORE Returns: FileTransfer instance with implicit Order.BEFORE enum set and from (source) file marked as remote """ # override is_remote for the case where from_filepath is of a file:// scheme where the file is remote (rsync ssh) is_dir = from_filepath.endswith("/") from_file = File(from_filepath, is_remote=True, is_dir=is_dir) if is_dir and not to_filepath.endswith("/"): raise ValueError("Please specify a directory path (ending with '/') as the destination.") to_file = File(to_filepath, is_dir=is_dir) return FileTransfer( from_file=from_file, to_file=to_file, order=Order.BEFORE, strategy=strategy )
[docs]def TransferToRemote( to_filepath: str, from_filepath: Union[str, None] = None, strategy: Optional[FileTransferStrategy] = None, order: Order = Order.AFTER, ) -> FileTransfer: """ Factory for creating a FileTransfer instance where to_filepath is implicitly created as a remote File Object, and the order (Order.AFTER) is set so that this file transfer will occur post electron execution. Args: to_filepath: File path corresponding to remote file (destination) from_filepath: File path corresponding to local file (source). strategy: Optional File Transfer Strategy to perform file operations - default will be resolved from provided file schemes. order: Order (enum) to execute the file transfer before (Order.BEFORE) or after (Order.AFTER) electron execution - default is AFTER Returns: FileTransfer instance with implicit Order.AFTER enum set and to (destination) file marked as remote """ # override is_remote for the case where to_filepath is of a file:// scheme where the file is remote (rsync ssh) is_dir = from_filepath and from_filepath.endswith("/") from_file = File(from_filepath, is_dir=is_dir) if is_dir and not to_filepath.endswith("/"): raise ValueError("Please specify a directory path (ending with '/') as the destination.") to_file = File(to_filepath, is_remote=True, is_dir=is_dir) return FileTransfer(from_file=from_file, to_file=to_file, order=Order.AFTER, strategy=strategy)