Adding Bash Dependencies to an Electron#

Bash dependencies can be passed to an electron as an argument to the electron decorator. The dependencies can take one of two forms:

  1. A Covalent DepsBash object.

  2. A list of commands represented as strings.

Both forms are illustrated below.


Import covalent.

import covalent as ct


Using a Covalent DepsBash object#

  1. Pass a comma-separated list of Bash commands to the constructor of a DepsBash() object, then assign the object to the deps_bash keyword argument:

        deps_bash=ct.DepsBash(["echo `whereis cpp` > /tmp/path.txt"]),
def get_bash_result():
    with open('/tmp/path.txt','r') as f:
  1. Use the electron in a lattice and dispatch the lattice as usual:

def workflow():
    return get_bash_result()

dispatch_id = ct.dispatch(workflow)()
r = ct.get_result(dispatch_id, wait=True)
cpp: /usr/bin/cpp

Using a List#

  1. Pass a list of commands – represented as strings – directly to the deps_bash named argument:

        deps_bash=["echo `whereis cpp` /tmp/path.txt"],
def get_bash_result():
    with open('/tmp/path.txt','r') as f:
  1. Dispatch the electron in a lattice as usual:

def workflow():
    return get_bash_result()

dispatch_id = ct.dispatch(workflow)()
r = ct.get_result(dispatch_id, wait=True)
cpp: /usr/bin/cpp

See Also#

Constructing Tasks from Bash Scripts